Greenox Solution > Industries > Nox Reduction for Industry

Nox Reduction for Industry

The industrial sector is looking to Urea solutions as a safe and effective way to reduce NOx emissions. Energy from Waste plants, Fossil fuel and Biomass power plants, as well as cement and glassworks, and even refineries are installing SCR (selective Catalytic Reduction) or SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction) technologies to combat NOx emissions with ever tightening legislation from the IPPC Directive. AdBlue is successfully used in light duty industrial applications with a more concentration, AUS40 being utilised in heavy duty industrial applications.

For those facilities that can blend their own Aqueous Urea Solution to match their live and ongoing needs, Greenox Solution can offer bagged Urea in the form of Prills.

Delivered directly from one of our 7 distribution centres in the UK, we can supply you both locally and efficiently helping to reduce your carbon footprint.  Please contact our sales team for further information.

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